Thursday, January 17, 2013
Hello out there in Quiltyland!
First, I had a wonderful Holiday. It's so funny how things work out. The event that is a big peak experience is rarely the one you think will turn out that way.
Just a couple of days after the Sandy Hook tragedy, Allie had her piano recital. She was excited, and we bought the glittery dress, and she practiced, but of course a pall hung over Tom and I because of that shooting. Allie got all dressed up, and we tried to be cheerful for her. Then we got to the church where the recital was held, First Baptist in downtown Marietta, and it was like all the pain sort of fell away.
I can't tell you what an amazing day it was and how healing this event was. The church was lovely and quiet and peaceful. The teacher, Kyley Smith, is lovely and peaceful. All the parents and kids were dressed up like people used to dress up for Christmas events at Church. All these healthy, well cared for children were wandering around, shiny eyed and well behaved. All the parents, of course, were thinking of the parents of Sandy Hook, so maybe that was why everyone was so kind to each other, so careful to be considerate. The kids sat with their parents until their moment to perform, and we were all remarking on the beauty of the children, the beauty of the day.
The recital started with the 4 year olds. Now, seriously, this is as cute as watching puppies play the piano! Not a dry eye in the house, as each one successfully waded through their selection to waves of love and applause. When each performer returned to their seat, they were treated as conquering heroes by all parents nearby. The performers were sorted by age, each one older than the one before. One eight year old boy played Hedwig's Theme from Harry Potter, and was dressed the part of Harry Potter, right down to the stuffed white owl! He was almost too cute to bear!
This teacher is so extraordinary that there were almost no errors, and she was sitting unobtrusively by if the student got lost in the music. So often these things are not well organized, but this went like a dream. We all bathed in the music, the children and their innocence. Allie was the first of the advanced kids and she did really well. She has some real ability and long, long fingers, and did a fabulous job with Carol of the Bells, a piece which I dearly love. When she returned to the pew, all the folks around us fussed over her, as we did for each child. There was such a sense of community and the caring we all felt for each other's children. It was heavenly.
For the finale, Kyley and her most advanced student did a hilarious medley of frenetic piano music for two people on the same piano, finally exchanging seats while playing, all flawlessly and at lightning speed. It brought down the house and left everyone laughing and applauding madly. No one wanted to leave. We milled around, taking pictures of the kids with Kyley, with Mom and Dad, whatever we could think of to stretch this moment, when all these children, at least, were safe. It was such a gift, this small island of peace and music. This, I thought, is Christmas. I was able to hold that peace for a long time and warm myself by it even now.
I guess it really is all about community. Human beings are pack animals and we need each other in times of crisis. So why don't you join some members of your quilt community at one of our late night sew-ins! We'll be sewing and jabbering Friday night, January 25th from 6:00 until who-knows-when. Hope you can come and contribute to the warm fuzzies!
Love from all of us at Red Hen!!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
The Phoenix Fizzles
Okay, I admit it, I was unfaithful. But then I never really was committed to the marriage, and that was the problem.
Having spent a year in a whirlwind romance with a charismatic Chinese gentleman, I, of course wanted that experience again. I wanted to be breathless, crazed, fighting for every hour together. So after I was finished with my Chinese guy, I went looking for that same experience. I thought the Phoenix would be the same kind of thing, but I was wrong.
I put hours into the beginning of my relationship with the phoenix, waiting for the project to catch fire. I had some great ideas for how to quilt my project.
Those ideas I was interested in. That scrawny bird, not so much. Maybe the bird lacked charisma. I committed to her, but it just wasn’t that thrilling. I loved my big, bright dragon.
I didn’t love this bird. I think a customer caught the essence of the problem when she commented on my previous blog by saying, “That bird is kind of snaky, don’t you think.” I did think.
So I decided to spend juuuuuuuust a little time on the quilting I wanted in the background. I wouldn’t tell the Phoenix. I would just doodle a bit. I stretched out four yards of peach colored silk. I sketched an idea with some chalk. I nibbled at the edge of my newfound beauty. And I fell. A hundred miles an hour over the edge, leaving the scrawny bird on the cliff above.
That was two months ago. I am now blissfully hooked on a whole cloth, Floriani on silk floral quilt. I am gonzo for this baby. I am working hours every day, here in the store, simply transported to my all-silk garden. You can come see it anytime. I am going to put in a wee picture, but not do a full blog because of the upcoming East Cobb Quilt Show. A girl has to keep some surprises to herself.
As for that snaky bird, I plan to appliqué the whole thing on a pair of jeans, and then she can kiss my behind!
Friday, June 15, 2012
The Phoenix Rises (Part 2)
Saturday, June 2, 2012
The Phoenix Rises (Part I)
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Sound Off!
When we have meetings about the Shop Hop, we all have our opinions, but we’d appreciate some feedback from you guys. Here are a few questions, but you can feel free to add any comments you want.
1. Are you planning to do the Shop Hop this year?
2. Have you done it before?
3. Do you plan to finish the whole thing?
4. What is your favorite part?
5. What is you least favorite element?
6. Do you ever make any of the quilts or block projects generated by the block patterns you collect?
7. What would you like to see that you don’t currently see in the stores?
8. Do you have any theme ideas you would like to share?
You can make a difference! We can’t wait to hear from you.
The gang at Red Hen Fabrics.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Why is it I think I have to
upholster or paint everything in sight?
Is there a name for this mania? One of my earliest memories is of gluing fabric scraps to a wooden box. Through numerous bad apartments, I covered couches and walls and windows and chairs. When I started quilting seriously, I hoped this affliction would let go. Then there was my first car cover, which appeared in Quilter’s Newsletter years ago...I say first because there was a second, larger, fancier van cover. And the floor cloths…oh the floor cloths...floral and Christmas, and on and on. Oh yes, there is the fake wallpaper border in my store bathroom, and the covers for bookshelves full of fabric. And the fabric altered shoes. I used to do fix-and-flip houses, and I made covers for almost anything you can think of. But this is my first fabric backsplash, and boy do I love it! I had been looking at backsplash tiles for years and couldn’t decide what I wanted when I had the same old feeling…wouldn’t this be great covered with fabric?? I got my buddy Jan Cox, who is great with all things crafty, to help me, and this is what we did.

First, we measured each large space to be covered with fabric, adding one inch on each side. With each piece, we ironed under one inch along the selvedge. We then ironed on medium weight stabilizer on the entire surface except the one inch turn under. I used all my Floriani scraps, but almost any stabilizer will do.
We did a fitting, and marked all the outlets, cutting them carefully with an “X” shape and trimming them to fit. Then we cut the top edge of the whole piece perfectly with a rotary cutter. The piece was pre-fitted perfectly except for one inch extra on each end. We then sprayed the fabric with a couple of light coats of fabric protector. Then we had lunch and caught up on the soaps.

Ready to staple in place! By this time I was jumping up and down. Right onto the counter, where I wedged myself in! Laying the fabric face down, but perfectly aligned, I used a staple gun to staple the one inch turn under along the top of the granite backsplash. I didn’t put any staples for the last inch or so on either side. We started under one of the outlets, because they have to fit. Then we smoothed the entire piece upward to the cabinet and stapled it snugly. We also stapled around the outlet openings. Almost there, squinting to see how the finished product will look!
On the end that rounded the corner, we painted some Mod Podge along the last inch of fabric and wrapped the corner to the next section, so there would be no gaps at the join. On the exposed edge, we trimmed cleanly and carefully and painted the edge with Mod Podge. It adhered invisibly to the wall corner.

We were really pleased…and of course, bummed that we had 2 large strips to go. But of course, they rolled right along. By the time we were done, we’d figured out how to do it!

Now for the finishing. I decided to bring the backsplash up to the middle of the window, so Jan print- matched a piece of fabric and we turned under the TOP one inch and stapled it. Then we smoothed the piece down and carefully glued the three free edges. We fitted a piece under the window by stapling along the backsplash and under the window sill, then gluing the two ends down just over the edge of the large piece. Jan covered the switch plates, while I applauded madly and OMG!!! Is this cool or what? My favorite things, cheap and dramatic!